Sunday, February 12, 2012


It is Sunday, February 12, 2012.

I have spent the day worrying about a friend, not even one I have met in real life, as he competed in the Georgia Tough Mudder.

It was cold there. Very cold. I looked at the Facebook page. I watched the news. I heard from his own mouth. I was concerned that he would finish. I was concerned he would have hypothermia. I saw on the Facebook page from Saturday's event there were many cases of hypothermia. I worried all day, and yet...part of me wished I was there.

I once was a candidate for the ROTC. That was another life, when I was healthier and not fat.

Yup, fat. That is the big thing here. I have strength. I have guts. I have endurance when I need to. But, I am fat. I have been for years. And years.

I have no excuses. I am not the healthiest eater. I should make different choices. I don't. Or, I haven't. I worried, I looked for information about what my friend "Bill" was doing. This person is going to have a profound impact on my life and I don't know his name. How odd is that? He plays a game with me, an MMORPG. Anyway, I was looking for his course and started digging through the website. Some of the events I could do now. I can climb a wall. I've climbed a rope wall too, even when I was fat. I am not afraid of fire...or water. The Funky Monkey worries me. Even when I was bodybuilding (yup-was a bodybuilder too), I had little upper body strength. I hope when I fall in the water I can just swim it. The other event I am concerned about is the Boa Constrictor. Since I am fat...I don't know if I'd fit in the tube. That wouldn't work. *giggles*

So, I have already printed the workout from Tough Mudder. I have spoken to several people about a team and have one person who volunteered to go with me. So, I begin a journey.

Thank you, are my inspiration.